As part of my detox regimen from Heavy metal toxicity due to mercury amalgam fillings I consume Chlorophyll Daily!
Here’s Why you Should too!

Interestingly chlorophyll’s molecular structure is similar to that of hemoglobin of human blood. The difference is, that the central atom of blood is iron, and for chlorophyll, it’s magnesium. Due to this unique quality, liquid chlorophyll performs the same function in the body as the hemoglobin. The nutrition world has yet to admire the true potential of chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is a super food packed with a range of powerful nutrients. A good source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and beta carotene. Chlorophyll is rich in antioxidants and vital minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium. Chlorophyll has purifying qualities which helps in detoxification of the body and encourages it to get rid of harmful impurities and toxins.
Chlorophyll has the ability to bind and flush out the toxic chemicals and heavy metals such as mercury from the body. This helps in the detoxifying and reviving the liver. It is also effective in reducing the harmful effects of radiations and helps eliminate pesticides and drug deposits from the body. Chlorophyll helps with the effects of aging and supports in maintaining healthy tissues attributing to the richness of antioxidants and presence of magnesium. It stimulates the anti aging enzymes and encourages healthy and youthful skin. In addition to this, the vitamin K present in chlorophyll rejuvenates the adrenal glands. Chlorophyll promotes healthy digestion by maintaining intestinal flora and stimulating the bowel movements. It helps in the renewal of damaged bowel tissues. Diets deficient in green vegetables and abundant with red meat pose an enhanced risk of colon disorders. Chlorophyll is effective in constipation and alleviates the discomfort caused by gas. It also has a calming effect on the nerves and is helpful in reducing the symptoms of insomnia, nervous irritability and general body fatigue.
Chlorophyll is a green pigment present in plants which facilitates the absorption of light from the sun. Chlorophyll is the reason behind the green color of plants.
Health benefits of chlorophyll include strengthening of blood making organs, prevention of anemia and abundance of oxygen in the body. Loaded with antioxidant power, chlorophyll exerts beneficial effects towards various medical conditions such as cancer, insomnia, dental ailments, sinusitis, pancreatitis and kidney stones. Chlorophyll helps in normal blood clotting, wound healing, hormonal balance, deodorizing and detoxification of the body and promotes digestive health. It has healing effects on oxidation and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Chlorophyll has anti-aging and anti-microbial properties and helps strengthen the immune system of the body.
Chlorophyll aids in restoring and replenishing the red blood cells. Chlorophyll works at molecular and cellular levels and has the ability to regenerate our body. Chlorophyll is rich in live enzymes which helps in cleansing of blood and enhances the ability of the blood to carry more oxygen, helping with anemia, which is caused by the deficit of red blood cells in the body.
Chlorophyll is effective against cancer and provides protection against a wide range of carcinogens present in the air, cooked meats and grains. Chlorophyll possesses strong antioxidant capacity along with a significant amount of essential vitamins. These scavengers in chlorophyll help to neutralize harmful molecules and guard against the development of various diseases and damages caused by oxidative stress and free radicals.
The anti-inflammatory properties of chlorophyll are beneficial for arthritis. Studies have shown that chlorophyll and its derivatives interfere with the growth of bacteria induced inflammation.
Chlorophyll promotes healthy digestion by maintaining intestinal flora and stimulating the bowel movements. It helps in the renewal of wounded bowel tissues. Diets with little green vegetables and lots of red meat pose an enhanced risk of colon disorders. Chlorophyll is effective in constipation and alleviates the discomfort caused by gas. It also has a calming effect on the nerves and is helpful in reducing the symptoms of insomnia, nervous irritability and general body fatigue.
Recent studies have shown that chlorophyll can be effective against Candida albicans, caused by the overgrowth of yeast called candida, already present in small amounts in the human body.
Chlorophyll aids in strengthening of the cell walls and overall immune system of the body attributing to its alkaline nature. Anaerobic bacteria which promote the development of diseases cannot survive in the alkaline environment offered by chlorophyll.
Along with this, chlorophyll is an oxygenator which encourages body’s ability to fight diseases and boosts the energy levels and accelerates healing process. Chlorophyll is a valued for its deodorizing properties. All human odours are improved when one uses chlorophyll daily. It is an effective remedy to combat bad breath and is used in mouthwashes. Chlorophyll performs dual action by eliminating the stink from mouth and throat and also stimulates digestive health by cleansing the colon and the blood stream.
Consumption of chlorophyll rich foods helps in balancing the acid-alkali ratio in the body. Magnesium present in chlorophyll is a highly alkaline mineral. By maintaining the appropriate alkalinity and oxygen levels of the body, chlorophyll prevents development of thriving environment for the growth of pathogens. Magnesium present in chlorophyll also plays a vital role in maintaining cardiovascular health, functioning of kidney, muscles, liver and brain.